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  • Writer's pictureAlexandra Jensen

Grace in the Process

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

There's a whisper in the wind. The hushed tones of Fall are in the air. I feel it in the back-to-school vibes, the ever-so-slightly cooler temperatures, and in the need to consider my children's Fall wardrobes. (Do they own a single pair of pants that still fit?... not sure.)

I am in the process of making my daughter a quilt, and it is a process. Sewing can be frustrating. When your machine gets jammed, the bobbin thread runs out, or your tension is off and you ask your kind, sweet husband to take it to the repair shop on his lunch hour. Yes, sewing is a process.

But it is a process worthwhile. My daughter will ultimately have a vibrant, warm blanket on her bed. She will have a patchwork keepsake of her monogrammed baby clothes for years to come.

In the process, there is joy in the progress being made in creating. As God's image bearers, we were made to create and delight in doing so.

As God's beloved creations, I wonder if He gets a little frustrated in the process of our lives. As we take strides and make stitches toward all that He has created us to be, we will experience mishaps, sin, and failure along the way.

I am learning that a mistake in art is only an opportunity to be more creative. Our lives can turn out more beautiful than they were before when we view our flaws, failures, and shortcomings in the light of God's redemption story.

The quilt pictured is unfinished, still in the process of becoming, as we all are. Have grace for yourself in the process. God makes everything beautiful in His time, in His way.

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