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  • Writer's pictureAlexandra Jensen

Green Pastures and Peaceful Streams

The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters. Psalm 23:1-2

Can we talk about potty training for just a minute? When you’re in the thick of it, it seems like an insurmountable feat. Like a steep mountain right in front of you, the only thing to do is climb. But when you finally reach the mountain’s peak, it is an amazing thing. Such is potty training. Such is our lives.

When you’re trudging through the muck and mire of a life challenge, it is the only thing you can focus on, your biggest problem, your kryptonite. But like all trials, “this too shall pass.” Superman always wins. Everyone gets potty trained eventually… I think!

When we confront tribulations in life, we can look back at the pattern of God’s faithfulness and be reassured that he will deliver us and guide us through whatever we are walking through. Sometimes we must travel into deserts, wilderness stretches, and dark seasons in order to be led into green pastures. Sometimes we must walk through the “Valley of the Shadow of Death” in order to reach the peaceful streams.

Christ is with us through it all. He is the Good Shepherd, the Lord and Love of our lives. He has given us the grand task of helping our little ones along the way. Don’t be discouraged when mountains appear before you. Lean into God’s goodness and steady strength. Remember the pattern of His faithfulness demonstrated in the scriptures and speckled throughout your life.

Dear Jesus,

Please help us through the trials we face. Guide us and lead the way to the peaceful streams and green pastures you have for us. Thank you Jesus for your love and faithfulness. In Jesus’ powerful name, amen.

Steps of Faith:

  • Jot down a few instances where God has led you through a trial in life.

  • Read through Psalm 23.

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